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Mandatory to show 6-Digit HSN Code in E-invoices for Taxpayers with annual turnover of INR 5 Crores and above from December 15, 2023

Mandatory to show 6-Digit HSN Code in E-invoices for Taxpayers with annual turnover of INR 5 Crores and above from December 15, 2023

Mandatory to show 6-Digit HSN Code in E-invoices for Taxpayers with turnover of INR 5 Crores and above from December 15, 2023


As per the latest updated dated 04th December 2023 of the GST E-invoicing System, it has been made compulsory to mention minimum 6 digits of the HSN code in e-invoices for taxpayers with an Aggregate Annual Turnover of INR 5 Crores and above. This requirement will come into effect from December 15, 2023.


Source: The above information is based on the information provided on "Latest Updates" section on



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