Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

Steps for Aadhaar Authentication for GST Registration Applicants

Steps for Aadhaar Authentication for GST Registration Applicants

Steps for Aadhaar Authentication for GST Registration Applicants


GSTN has issued an advisory on 18-02-2025 for biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and document verification for GST registration applicants of Jharkhand and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. According to this advisory, the following points are to be kept in the mind while applying for GST registration:


  • Rule 8 of the CGST Rules, 2017 has been amended to provide that an applicant can be identified on the common portal, based on data analysis and risk parameters for Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication and taking a photograph of the applicant along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application.


  • GSTN has developed the functionality for biometric based Aadhaar Authentication as above and has been rolled out in the state of Jharkhand and Andaman and Nicobar Islands on 15th February, 2025. The said functionality also provides for the document verification and appointment booking process.


  • According to the advisory, once the applicant has submitted the application in Form GST REG-01, the applicant will receive either of the two on his email:


         (a) A Link for OTP-based Aadhaar Authentication OR

        (b) A Link for booking an appointment to visit a GST Suvidha Kendra (GSK)


Link for OTP-based Aadhaar Authentication

If the applicant receives the link for OTP-based Aadhaar Authentication, he/she can proceed with the application as per the existing process wherein he will be required to authenticate his/her identity using Aadhar OTP validation.


Link for booking appointment to visit a GSK

Step-1: The applicant receives a link on email for booking an appointment with a message to visit a GST Suvidha Kendra along with the details of the GSK and jurisdiction, for Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication and document verification.


Step-2: Book the appointment to visit the designated GSK, using the link provided in the e-mail. Choose appointment date within the maximum permissible period as indicated in the intimation email.


Step-3: On booking appointment, the applicant gets the appointment confirmation through e-mail along with details of chosen schedule.


Step-4: Visit the GSK along with the following documents:

  • A hard copy or soft copy of the appointment confirmation e-mail
  • Details of jurisdiction as mentioned in the intimation e-mail
  • Original Aadhaar Card and PAN Card
  • Originals of documents uploaded with the application


Step-5: Biometric authentication and document verification will be done at the GSK, for all the required individuals as per the GST application Form GST REG-01.




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