It is a 12 digit number which is provided by Employer to each employee who is covered in EPF Act.
This number is issued by the EPFO Department of Government of India through employer. A person having Aadhar Card can also generate a UAN by visiting 'unified member portal' of EPFO.
An eligible employee who joins an EPFO covered Establishment gets his UAN on joining.
UAN is generated on basis of details mentioned in Aadhaar card. Since UAN is Aadhaar based, once a person changes his job he will not get new UAN, rather EPF database will again allot him same UAN and his new service details will automatically get linked to his UAN.
Indian citizen gets UAN on basis of Aadhar Card but if a foreign national comes to India and is covered by EPF Act then he will get his UAN on basis of his Passport.
Benefits of UAN
Earlier an employee used to get a new ‘EPF Member ID’ or ’EPF Account no’, from his employer on joining of a new establishment. Over a period of time, he used to have various EPF Account no’s linked with different employer. Later on employee used to file transfer claims to EPF department after getting it signed from concerned employer.
To overcome this problem, Govt. of India introduced concept of ‘One Member One EPF Account’ i.e. UAN.
Step by Step process to Activate UAN
Various Benefits of UAN are-
Since UAN is same and linked to all employers, now employee can easily transfer his EPF using online process.
Employee can easily access his EPF-passbooks available at single place and know his updated EPF account balance.
All service history of a person will be reflected in single login.