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Taxwink Team


Extension of due date of ITR for AY 2019-20

By Taxwink Team | 29 Jul,2020

Due date of filing ITR for A.Y. 2019-20 has been extended from 31st July 2020 to 30th September 2020. ....

No penalty under section 271D& 271E for cash loans from close relatives

By Taxwink Team | 28 Jul,2020

ITAT Bangalore in the case of Savita S. Gangadshetti v. Joint CIT held that the violation of section 269SS &am....

Tax Benefits Towards Education - Tuition Fees Of Children Under Section-80C + FAQs

By Taxwink Team | 24 Jul,2020

In the light of government schemes, there is one propolling for children and education welfare. To promot....

GST e-invoicing to be mandatory from Oct. 1, 2020 for businesses with turnover of Rs. 500 Crores

By Taxwink Team | 24 Jul,2020

According to the latest information and update, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) and gov....

GST on amusement park entry charges and rides like Toy Train & Pedal Boats

By Taxwink Team | 15 Jul,2020

M/s Chandmal Narayandas Consortium (AAR-RAJ) 2020 ITL (GST) 53 No. RAJ/AAR/2019-20/24 dated 24-10-2019 Fac....

Deduction in respect of house rent paid under section 80GG

By Taxwink Team | 15 Jul,2020

  Deduction in respect of rent paid: [Section-80GG] Where you are a salaried employee and receiving H....

Deduction for donation or contribution made to any political party or electoral trust

By Taxwink Team | 15 Jul,2020

In this article, we will discuss the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding deductions for donations mad....

SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/CIR/P/2020/112 dated June 30, 2020

By Taxwink Team | 14 Jul,2020

In view of the prevailing situation due to COVID-19 pandemic and representations received from depositories, i....

Processing of returns with refund claims under section-143(1) of the Act beyond the prescribed time limit in non scrutiny cases

By Taxwink Team | 14 Jul,2020

Several ITRs for various assessment years upto A.Y. 2017-18 which were otherwise filed validly under sectio....

Whether the provision of specified medical instruments to unrelated parties like hospitals for use without any consideration constitutes a "supply"

By Taxwink Team | 13 Jul,2020

Facts of the case The petitioner is a company having its registered office in Mumbai and is engaged in t....
