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Taxwink Team


CBIC provides relief by waiver of late fees for delay in furnishing returns in Form GSTR-3B for February, 2020 to July, 2020

By Taxwink Team | 26 Jun,2020

CBIC provides relief by waiver of late fees for delay in furnishing returns in Form GSTR-3B for February,....

Extension of due date of GSTR-3B for August 2020

By Taxwink Team | 25 Jun,2020

CBIC has issued Notification No. 54/2020 dated June 24, 2020 (further amending notification No. 29/2020 dated....

Extended Due Dates under Income Tax as notified due to Covid-19

By Taxwink Team | 25 Jun,2020

The Central Government has made several changes in the various income tax due dates/ deadlines due to pre....

Extension of various due dates under Income Tax due to Covid-19

By Taxwink Team | 25 Jun,2020

In view of the challenges faced by taxpayers in meeting the statutory and regulatory compliance requirements a....

Deduction of medical treatment and maintenance of disabled dependent

By Taxwink Team | 24 Jun,2020

Deduction for medical expenditure for a deprendent Introduction Section-80DD of the Income Tax Act, 1961 p....

Deemed Dividend under section 2(22)(b)

By Taxwink Team | 23 Jun,2020

Deemed Dividend u/s 2(22)(b) The taxability of ‘Deemed Dividend” is a complex issue in the Inco....

Companies registered under Companies Act allowed to file Form GSTR-3B & GSTR-1 through EVC

By Taxwink Team | 22 Jun,2020

CBIC vide Notification No. 48/2020- Central Tax dated JUne 19,2020, amends the Central Goods and Service Tax R....

Dividend under section 2(22)(a) of Income Tax Act

By Taxwink Team | 22 Jun,2020

Section-2(22) deals with the term 'Dividend'. Sub clause (a) of section-2(22) talks about distribution....

Tax on Income of Mutual Funds & Dividend Distribution Tax

By Taxwink Team | 21 Jun,2020

Section-10(23FC) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides for exemption for any income derived by a business trust....

FAQs on scheme of relaxation of time for filling forms related to creation or modification of charges

By Taxwink Team | 20 Jun,2020

The MCA in order to help and support companies and chargeholders is taking necessary measures to address the c....
