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Extension of due date of ITR for AY 2019-20

Extension of due date of ITR for AY 2019-20

Due date of filing ITR for A.Y. 2019-20 has been extended from 31st July 2020 to 30th September 2020. 


In yet another move to provide relief to the taxpayers, CBDT brought notification dated 29th July, 2020 extending the due date of filing Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2019-20 from 31st July 2020 to 30th September, 2020. This notification has been brought in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic and in continuation of its previous notification which earlier extended due date to 31st July, 2020. This means that those taxpayers who could not file their ITR for the A.Y. 2019-20 by 31st July, 2020 can now file their ITR till 30th September, 2020.


Further, this notification provides that tax paid till 31st July, 2020 in respect A.Y. 2020-21 for resident senior citizen not having income from business or profession shall be treated as advance tax. 

CBDT Notification


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