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GST on services supplied by restaurants through e-commerce operators- CBIC clarification

GST on services supplied by restaurants through e-commerce operators- CBIC clarification

GST on services supplied by restaurants through e-commerce operators- CBIC clarification


The GST Council in its 45th meeting held on 17th September 2021 recommended notifying ‚Restaurant Service‛ under section 9(5) of the CGST Act, 2017. Accordingly, the tax on supplies of restaurant services supplied through e-commerce operators shall be paid by the e-commerce operator. In this regard notification No. 17/2021 dated 18.11.2021 has been issued.

Certain representations have been received requesting clarification regarding modalities of compliance to the GST laws in respect of the supply of restaurant service through e-commerce operators (ECO). Clarifications are as follows:







Would ECOs have to still collect TCS in compliance with section 52 of the CGST Act, 2017?

As ‘restaurant service’ has been notified under section 9(5) of the CGST Act, 2017, the ECO shall be liable to pay GST on restaurant services provided, with effect from the 1st January 2022, through ECO. Accordingly, the ECOs will no longer be required to collect TCS and file GSTR 8 in respect of restaurant services on which it pays tax in terms of section 9(5).

On other goods or services supplied through ECO, which are not notified u/s 9(5), ECOs will continue to pay TCS in terms of section 52 of CGST Act, 2017 in the same manner at present.


Would ECOs have to mandatorily take a separate registration w.r.t supply of restaurant service [notified under 9(5)] through them even though they are registered to pay GST on services on their own account?

As ECOs are already registered in accordance with rule 8(in Form GST-REG 01) of the CGST Rules, 2017 (as a supplier of their own goods or services), there would be no mandatory requirement of taking separate registration by ECOs for payment of tax on restaurant service under section 9(5) of the CGST Act, 2017.


Would the ECOs be liable to pay tax on the supply of restaurant services made by unregistered business entities?

Yes. ECOs will be liable to pay GST on any restaurant service supplied through them including by an unregistered person.


What would be the aggregate turnover of person supplying ‘restaurant service’ through ECOs?

It is clarified that the aggregate turnover of persons supplying restaurant service through ECOs shall be computed as defined in section 2(6) of the CGST Act, 2017, and shall include the aggregate value of supplies made by the restaurant through ECOs. Accordingly, for threshold consideration or any other purpose in the Act, the person providing restaurant service through   ECO   shall account such services in his aggregate turnover.


Can the supplies of restaurant service made through ECOs be recorded as an inward supply of ECOs (liable to reverse charge) in GSTR 3B?

No. ECOs are not the recipient of restaurant service supplied through them. Since these are not input services to ECO, these are not to be reported as inward supply (liable to reverse charge).


Would ECOs be liable to reverse proportional input tax credit on their input goods and services for the reason that input tax credit is not admissible on ‘restaurant service’?

ECOs provide their own services as an electronic platform and an intermediary for which it would acquire inputs/input services on which ECOs avail input tax credit (ITC). The ECO charges commission/fee etc. for the services it provides. The ITC is utilized by ECO for payment of GST on services provided by ECO on its own account (say, to a restaurant). The situation in this regard remains unchanged even after ECO is made liable to pay tax on restaurant service. ECO would be eligible to ITC as before. Accordingly, it is clarified that ECO shall not be required to reverse ITC on account of restaurant services on which it pays GST in terms of section 9(5) of the Act.

It may also be noted that on restaurant service, ECO shall pay the entire GST liability in cash (No ITC could be utilized for payment of GST on restaurant service supplied through ECO)


Can ECO utilize its Input Tax Credit to pay tax w.r.t ‘restaurant service’ supplied through the ECO?

No. As stated above, the liability of payment of tax by ECO as per section 9(5) shall be discharged in cash.


Would the supply of goods or services other than ‘restaurant service’ through ECOs be taxed at 5% without ITC?

ECO is required to pay GST on services notified under section9(5), besides the services/other supplies made on his own account.

On any supply that is not notified under section 9(5), that is supplied by a person through ECO, the liability to pay GST continues on such supplier and ECO shall continue to pay TCS on such supplies.

Thus, present dispensation continues for ECO, on supplies other than restaurant services. On such supplies (other than restaurant services made through ECO) GST will continue to be billed, collected, and deposited in the same manner as is being done at present. ECO will deposit TCS on such supplies.


Would ‘restaurant service’ and goods or services other than restaurant service sold by a restaurant to a customer under the same order be billed differently? Who shall be liable for raising invoices in such cases?

Considering that liability to pay GST on supplies other than ‘restaurant service’ through the ECO, and other compliances under the Act, including the issuance of invoice to the customer, continues to lie with the respective suppliers (and ECOs being liable only to collect tax at source (TCS) on such supplies), it is advisable that ECO raises separate bill on restaurant service in such cases where ECO provides other supplies to a customer under the same order.


Who will issue an invoice in respect of restaurant service supplied through ECO - whether by the restaurant or by the ECO?

The invoice in respect of restaurant service supplied through ECO under section 9(5) will be issued by ECO.


Clarification may be issued as regard reporting of restaurant services, value and tax liability, etc in the GST return.

A number of other services are already notified under section 9(5). In respect of such services, ECO operators are presently paying GST by furnishing details in GSTR 3B.

The ECO may, on services notified under section 9 (5) of the CGST Act,2017, including on restaurant service provided through ECO, may continue to pay GST by furnishing the details in GSTR 3B, reporting them as outward taxable supplies for the time being.

Besides, ECO may also, for the time being, furnish the details of such supplies of restaurant services under section 9(5) in Table 7A(1) or Table 4A of GSTR-1, as the case may be, for accounting purposes.


Registered persons supplying restaurant services through ECOs under section 9(5) will report such supplies of restaurant services made through ECOs in Table of GSTR-1 and Table 3.1 (c) of GSTR-3B, for the time being.


For the detailed Circular Click the following link: Clarification on GST on Restaurant Services through E-Commerce Operators


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