How to Check, E-Verify & Download ITR Status?
Paying income tax ‘on-time’ is a gratitude responsibility of every individual and enterprises. It....
How To Submit and Calculate Income Tax Return Online (with example)
Making the income tax calculation easier, simple, and to the purest, the new income tax regime has come in....
6 Important Things To Learn From PM Modi’s ‘Honoring the honest’ Tax Reform
While paying tax is an individual call of duty and responsibility towards building a better nation, lightening....
Faceless Tax Platform launched to ease the compliance burden for assesses and reward the honest taxpayer
Honouring the tax payers, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, today launched the programme 'Transparent taxa....
HRA- What is House Rent Allowance, HRA Exemption & Deduction
HRA- What is House Rent Allowance, HRA Exemption & Deduction The concept of Hou....
Extension of due date of ITR for AY 2019-20
Due date of filing ITR for A.Y. 2019-20 has been extended from 31st July 2020 to 30th September 2020. ....
Tax Benefits Towards Education - Tuition Fees Of Children Under Section-80C + FAQs
In the light of government schemes, there is one propolling for children and education welfare. To promot....
Deduction in respect of house rent paid under section 80GG
Deduction in respect of rent paid: [Section-80GG] Where you are a salaried employee and receiving H....
Deduction for donation or contribution made to any political party or electoral trust
In this article, we will discuss the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding deductions for donations mad....
Processing of returns with refund claims under section-143(1) of the Act beyond the prescribed time limit in non scrutiny cases
Several ITRs for various assessment years upto A.Y. 2017-18 which were otherwise filed validly under sectio....