Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

PAN and Address of Prime Minister National Relief Fund

PAN and Address of Prime Minister National Relief Fund

PAN and Address of Prime Minister National Relief Fund

A lot of people used to make donations to 'Prime Minister National Relief Fund' (PMNRF) every year. It is also seen that in case of Central and State Governments, deduction is made from their salary towards contribution to PMNRF and shown in Form-16 as eligible under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Donations made to PMNRF is eligible for 100% deduction under section 80G without any qualifying limit restrictions.  
However, for claiming deduction under section 80G, it is mandatory to quote details of PAN & Address along with PIN code of the donee organisation. Following is the details of PAN & address of PMNRF.


PAN & Address of Prime MInister National Relief Fund

  • PAN:                     AACTP4637Q
  • Address:               Prime Minister's Office, South Block, New Delhi- 110011


While filing your ITR, you should quote the details of above PAN & address of PMNRF if you are claiming deduction u/s 80G for donation.

PAN & address of PM Cares Fund

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