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Reactivation of DIN on MCA portal- Good News from MCA

Reactivation of DIN on MCA portal- Good News from MCA

Reactivation of DIN on MCA portal- Good News from MCA


Reactivation of DIN on MCA portal

There was a large number of directors across the country who were disqualified on the MCA portal owing to the provisions of Section 164(2)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 and their disqualification had already expired as of 31st October 2021. Even after the expiry of the disqualification period, those directors were still showing as disqualified on the MCA portal and their DIN was lying deactivated.


But a new update has come from the side of MCA which has been a breather for all those who were affected by the provisions of Section 164(2)(a). The MCA has updated that all such disqualified DIN that is eligible for being reactivated after 31st October 2021 has been reactivated on the MCA portal. It also means that the disqualification period of all such defaulting directors is over now and they are eligible to become directors in any company from now onwards.


Section 164(2)(a) of Companies Act, 2013

You might be aware that implications of Section 164(2)(a) arise when any person (director) has failed to file financial statements i.e. E-Form AOC-4 or annual returns i.e. E-form MGT-7 for a continuous period of 3 financial years. On such default, he shall not be eligible for being appointed as a director of that particular company or any other company for a period of the next 5 years. There were a number of directors who were disqualified between the years 2016 and 2021 due to the implication of the above provision and their DIN was in disqualified mode on the MCA portal. But all such DINs are restored now as discussed above. So friends… if your DIN was also lying as deactivated for the aforesaid period, log in to the MCA portal and check the status of your DIN...


Check DIN status online:








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