Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme 2020-21 (Series-III)

Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme 2020-21 (Series-III)

Sovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21

In terms of the Government of India Notification No. F.No. 4(4)-B/(W&M)/2020 dated April 13, 2019, Sovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21 (Series III) will be opened for the period June 08-12, 2020 with Settlement date June 16, 2020. The issue price of the Bond during the subscription period shall be Rs 4,677 (Rupees Four thousand Six hundred Seventy seven only) – per gram, as also published by RBI in their Press Release dated June 05, 2020.

The Government of India in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India has decided to allow discount of Rs 50 (Rupees Fifty only) per gram from the issue price to those investors who apply online and the payment is made through digital mode. For such investors the issue price of Gold Bond will be Rs 4,627 (Rupees Four thousand Six hundred twenty seven only) per gram of gold.

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