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Wholesale & Retail traders to be included in MSMEs- Eligible for Udyam Registration and MSME benefits

Wholesale & Retail traders to be included in MSMEs- Eligible for Udyam Registration and MSME benefits

Wholesale & Retail traders to be included in MSMEs- Eligible for Udyam Registration and MSME benefits


Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has issued a circular No. 5/2(2)/2021-E/P&G/Policy dated 02-07-2021 allowing wholesale and retail traders to be included in MSMEs. These changes have been made in response to several representations received by the Government. It has been decided that retail and wholesale trades will be included in MSME and they shall be allowed to be registered on Udyam Registration Portal. However, benefits to Retail and Wholesale trade MSMEs are to be restricted to Priority Sector Lending only.

Accordingly, the list of eligible additional activities under NIC Code 45, 46 and 47 are as under:

45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles
46 Wholesale trade except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
47 Retail trade except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

The wholesale and retail traders can now apply for "Udyam Registration" under the abovementioned three codes.

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