Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

Annual Filing Of Companies

Required Documents

Attachments as per above e-forms information table

Certificate of Incorporation of Co.

PAN card

DSC of director of 1 director

What we will deliver

Filing of ADT-1

Filing of AOC-4/ AOC-4 (XBRL)

Filing of MGT-7



Drafting of necessary resolutions, minutes, agenda, notice for AGM

Statutory Registers update

Required Documents

Attachments as per above e-forms information table

Certificate of Incorporation of Co.

PAN card

DSC of director of 1 director

What we will deliver

Filing of ADT-1

Filing of AOC-4/ AOC-4 (XBRL)

Filing of MGT-7



Drafting of necessary resolutions, minutes, agenda, notice for AGM

Statutory Registers update

Frequently Asked Question

Whether annual filing is necessary for companies?

Yes, ROC annual filing compliances are compulsory for each and every company (whether private/public/listed/unlisted/OPC) irrespective of the turnover or capital of the company

Whether the audited financial statements are necessary for annual filing of companies?

Yes, Audited Financial Statements are mandatory for every company for compliance of annual filings with ROC

What are the provisions of appointment of statutory auditor as regards companies?

A company can opt to appoint a statutory auditor either for a period of 5 consecutive years or till the conclusion of next AGM. Thus, rotation of auditor after 5 years is compulsory. Form ADT-1 is required to be filed for appointment or replacement of statutory auditor

What are the penal consequences of non compliance or default in making annual filing compliances?

If any company fails to file annual accounts or annual return with other necessary forms, it will lead to an additional fee of Rs. 100 per day for each form. Continuous default in annual compliance may result in disqualification of director, fine & imprisonment and even striking off the company

What are the compliances to be made by a company under Income Tax Act?

  • Every company is required to file income tax return in Form ITR-6 every year on or before 30th September
  • If accounts are audited u/s 44AB of the Act, a tax audit report is also required to be furnished in Form-3CA&3CD. Audit u/s 44AB is required where turnover exceeds Rs. 1 crore

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