Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur


Required Documents

Proof of permanent address:- Self attested copy of Passport/ Aadhar/Voter ID/Driving License/Bank Statement/ Electricity bill or Telephone Bill (not older than 2 months)

In case present address is different from permanent address, proof of present address:- Utility Bill not older than 2 months, Bank Statement

Self attested copy of Aadhar & Passport compulsory (if he is having Aadhar/passport)

Self attested copy of PAN card

Unique Personal mobile number and email id for OTP validation

Passport size photograph of DIN holder

DSC of DIN holder

No documents are required for DIR-3 KYC WEB

Required Documents

Proof of permanent address:- Self attested copy of Passport/ Aadhar/Voter ID/Driving License/Bank Statement/ Electricity bill or Telephone Bill (not older than 2 months)

In case present address is different from permanent address, proof of present address:- Utility Bill not older than 2 months, Bank Statement

Self attested copy of Aadhar & Passport compulsory (if he is having Aadhar/passport)

Self attested copy of PAN card

Unique Personal mobile number and email id for OTP validation

Passport size photograph of DIN holder

DSC of DIN holder

No documents are required for DIR-3 KYC WEB

Frequently Asked Question

Who is required to file DIR-3 KYC?

  1. Every individual who holds DIN as on 31st March of a financial year (whether he is a director in a company or designated partner in a LLP) and whose DIN is in ‘Approved’ status shall file DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the next financial year
  2. DIR-3 KYC is also mandatory for the disqualified directors also
  3. It is also applicable to individuals who are not appointed as a director or designated partner in a co./LLP but who are holding DIN
  4. DIR-3 KYC is not to be filed every year. It is filed only once after DIN has been allotted. In subsequent years, this form is to be filed only if updation in any KYC details namely mobile no. and email id is desired
  5. Subsequently every year, a DIN holder shall file only DIR-3 KYC WEB through MCA portal

What is Form DIR-3 KYC WEB?

Form DIR-3 KYC WEB is used for verification of details of the DIN holders who had submitted Form DIR-3 KYC in the previous financial year subject to that no update is required in the details

What is the due date of filing Form DIR-3 KYC/ KYC WEB?

DIR-3 KYC or DIR-3 KYC WEB should be filed on or before 30th September of next financial year

Ram is holding DIN since 2015-16 and had already filed his DIR-3 KYC for F.Y. 2018-19. Is he required to file DIR-3 KYC again for the F.Y. 2019-20?

No, since he had already filed DIR-3 KYC, he is not required to file DIR-3 KYC again. But, he should ensure that if there is any change in KYC details, he should resubmit DIR-3 KYC and update his mobile number and email id

What is the procedure where the director wants to amend the particulars of his residential address also?

In case, an individual desires to update his permanent or present residential address, passport number, nationality etc., he shall first update the same by filing Form DIR-6. On approval of DIR-6, he should file Form DIR-3 KYC

What are the consequences of non filing of DIR-3 KYC/ KYC WEB?

  1. If DIR-3 KYC/ KYC WEB is not filed within the stipulated time, DIN of the individual will be deactivated. Hence, he will not be able to file any MCA forms
  2. Though, he could be appointed/ reappointed/resigned as a director in a company but compliance related to appointment/resignation to ROC in Form DIR-12 shall not be possible unless DIN is reactivated by filing DIR-3 KYC/KYC WEB
  3.  Further, Late Fees of Rs. 5000 will be levied

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