Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

Import Export Code

Features & Restrictions of Import Export Code:

  • Easy registration: - The entire process of applying for IEC is online. There is no need of human intervention. As such, IEC is allotted to business entity in a very simple manner.
  • No need for renewal: - IEC code is valid with lifetime validity as such no future renewal cost is involved. Only online updation is required every year.
  • No filing of returns: - IEC does not require any annual filing of returns. As such, the compliance cost of holding IEC is zero.
  • Availing Government schemes: - Only IEC holder business entities can avail benefits of government schemes like Merchandise Export from India Scheme, Service Export from India Scheme and other export incentives.
  • IEC helps the businesses to explore international market and take their goods and services to global market.

Frequently Asked Question

What is IEC?

IEC is a unique 10 digit number allotted by Director General of Foreign Trade. IEC code is required by every business entity who intends to engage themselves into international trade of goods and services from India.

Who needs to apply for IEC?

Any person/business entity intending to deal in international trade of goods and services need to apply for IEC.

Can export/import be made without obtaining an IEC?

No, IEC is a mandatory registration for every importer/exporter of goods & services.

How may IECs can be allotted to a single person?

Only 1 IEC can be issued against a single PAN. Such single IEC is valid for multiple branches/divisions of the business entity. If more than 1 IEC are wrongly issued, the entity should surrender the duplicate IEC to the jurisdictional Regional Office.

What is the validity of IEC?

IEC code is a permanent registration which is valid for lifetime. It is valid until the business exists or registration is surrendered/revoked. No returns are to be filed in respect of IEC. But from F.Y.2021-22, it has been made compulsory to update details of IEC online once in every year.

Can IEC be allotted to an individual?

Yes, IEC is PAN based. As such, IEC can be allotted to any individual/HUF/Trust/Partnership/LLP /Company.

Do we need to upload a copy of PAN for IEC application?

No, DGFT has integrated PAN web services of CBDT with its server. Therefore, PAN is not required to be uploaded while making an online application for IEC. However, a copy of PAN is required for our purpose as PAN number is to be filled in the application form.

How can a business entity apply for cancellation of IEC?

If an IEC holder does not wish to operate allotted IEC number, he may surrender the same by informing the issuing authority i.e. jurisdictional regional office. On receipt of such intimation, the Issuing Authority shall immediately cancel it and electronically transmit it to DGFT and customs authorities.

Under what situations IEC code is needed by a business entity?

IEC is required in the following situations:

  1. When an importer has to clear his shipments from the customs
  2. When an importer sends money abroad through banks
  3. When an exporter has to send his shipments
  4. When an exporter receives money in foreign currency directly into his bank account

List out the persons or transactions where IEC code is not required?

Following category of persons are exempted from obtaining an IEC:

  • Import and export by central government/state governments or agencies or undertakings for defense purposes
  • Import or export of goods for personal use
  • Individuals who export/import goods to/from Nepal and Mynamar through Indo-Myanmar border areas and China (through Gunji, NamgayaShipkila and Nathula Ports) where single consignment does not exceed Rs. 25,000

However, all PSUs which have obtained a PAN will be required to obtain IEC for any export/import.

What is RCMC registration?

RCMC is a “Registration-cum-Membership Certificate” issued by the Export Promotion Council body under the Government of India. Only persons holding IEC may apply for RCMC registration. This certificate is issued for 5 years by Export Promotional Councils or Commodity Board of India relating to that line of business.

RCMC is required for businesses that deal with export of restricted products and those seeking concessions under Foreign Trade Policy.

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