Jobner Bagh STN Road, Jaipur

Trust Registration

Required Documents

Details of trustees namely name, fathers’ name, age, address, occupation, mobile number and email address

2 photograph of each trustees & settlors

Aadhar card & PAN card copy of trustee & settler

Address proof of premises of society:- Rent Deed/Lease Deed (if rented)/NOC from owner, Property Tax receipt or utility bill (if owned)

Physical presence of settler and witnesses at the time of registration along with original ID proof

Required Documents

Details of trustees namely name, fathers’ name, age, address, occupation, mobile number and email address

2 photograph of each trustees & settlors

Aadhar card & PAN card copy of trustee & settler

Address proof of premises of society:- Rent Deed/Lease Deed (if rented)/NOC from owner, Property Tax receipt or utility bill (if owned)

Physical presence of settler and witnesses at the time of registration along with original ID proof

Step by Step Procedure of Trust Registration


Selection of suitable name of trust: The proposed name should end with the words “Trust”. For example:- Shri Radhey govind Charitable Trust


Decide the Board of Trustees and the various office bearers namely president, vice president, secretary and treasurer


Decide various terms and conditions, objects and duration of trust, rights and obligations of trustees etc.


Drafting of trust deed on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 500 (in Rajasthan) and duly sign it by settlor


Get trust deed registered at sub-registrar office in whose jurisdiction registered office of trust falls in presence of 2 witnesses


Collect registered trust deed from sub registrar office (normally after 4-6 days)


File application with “Devsthan Vibhag” along with copy of trust deed and ID and address proof of trustees and settler

Frequently Asked Question

How many persons are required to form a trust?

At least 2 persons who are known as ‘Author’ or ‘Settlor’ are required to form a trust who will execute the trust deed on a non judicial stamp paper of appropriate value in presence of witness. In Rajasthan, non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 500 is sufficient for execution of trust deed. There is no upper limit for the members in a trust.

What is ‘Trust Deed’?

A ‘Trust Deed’ is the instrument which forms the basis of formation of a trust. The trust deed prescribes the main objects for which the trust has been set up. Apart from the main objects, it also defines the rights and obligations of trustees and the manner in which the funds derived from the activities of trust shall be utilized. It further defines the manner the trust could acquire and liquidate the assets for the objects of the trust. It states the provisions concerning management of trust along with the manner of admission and termination of membership. The deed is signed in presence of 2 witnesses.

Can the objects of a trust deed be amended?

Yes, amendment of objects of trust deed is allowed. Such, amendment can be made by executing amended trust deed at sub registrar office in which jurisdiction your trust falls. 

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